TBV Christmas 2020
例年通り、インターンシッププログラムに参加しているIT学生のみなさんのおかげで、最近TBVでの雰囲気はまたいつもより一段と新鮮で賑やかになっています。 それほど経験が多くありませんが、人生初出勤の頃の記憶がまだはっきりしているTuongさんは、「先輩」として仕事を通して勉強になったことや経験について共有します!本記事を見てTuongさんやTBVメンバーに、あなたの経験を共有していただければ嬉しいです。
アジャイル開発手法の1つであるスクラムは、IT業界で常に人気のあるプロジェクト管理フレームワークであって、将来エンジニアになる大学生の関心と学習ニーズを引き付けるトピックです。Techbase Vietnam では、大学支援の一環で Ton Duc Thang大学(TDTU)の学生に向けて初めてアジャイルとスクラムセミナーを行いました。
「Sitting is the new smoking」- 座り過ぎは喫煙のように不健康!健康に関してお話すると、長時間座ることは、喫煙と同様に健康に悪いです!今回は、肉体的、精神的健康の改善に驚くほどの効果をもたらす10つのヨガポーズを紹介したいと思います。これらのポーズはとても簡単で誰でもできるため、時間があるときにぜひ試してみてくださいね!
Yahuoku is Japan's largest online auction flea market application. Here you can easily find and trade things that are not / no longer available in stores.
In response to children's "Want to know", Kids service provides various functions and contents to expand the children's world through safe and secure Internet experiences.
Everything you want with the cheapest prices - Online shopping mall with the largest number of stores and product line-up in Japan!
A service that sells tickets for all kinds of entertainment and sports that are performed in Japan, such as music and theater.
Cheapest digital ticket sales service that allows you to easily announce events, sell and manage tickets by yourself.
A map application that provides destination information and walking guidance (navigation function) by searching store name, address, phone number, etc. , making it easy to walk around Japan.
Browser application for Android with many useful functions.
An unlimited magazines and manga reading service for Yahoo! Premium members.
Japan's largest general information site for investment and money, with 15 million users each month.
Whether it is traveling or business trip, you can easily find accommodations and tours with flight tickets that meet your needs. There are also great coupons to support your journey.
One of the largest official free video services in Japan. You can enjoy all the popular performances such as missed TV drama broadcast, movies, music and anime.
A home app that allows you to easily change wallpapers, icons and widgets as well as post your own home screen.
From finding a rental property to purchasing a new or second-hand apartment, we support you on your journey to the ideal home sweet home.
Japan's largest donation service. We support projects to solve various social problems, such as reconstruction of disaster areas or support for children suffering from poverty.
A service that users can find their ideal hairstylist or hairdressing salon from the photos of the hairstyles posted.
Advertising management tool to upload and distribute ads.
Business support tools (ex: Management tool for internal procedure manuals).
Customer support tools.
Daily report tool.
Providing several database platforms (MySQL, Cassandra, etc.).